Monday, March 2, 2009


If anyone has experienced cupping before please let me know. I have to say it is one of the weirdest forms of stress management I have ever seen. If you have no idea what the heck I am talking about, google cupping and see for yourself. I am just curious if anyone has first hand experience with this and your thoughts about the procedure. Does it work?


  1. I've never heard of this before,and I have to say it is kind of strange. How did you hear of it? Are your students practicing the art of ancient cupping?

    I Google d the term and read about it. I think the underlying principle might work. Basically it's just a heated massage with suction. Keep me updated- I'm intrigued.

  2. I am a believer in acupuncture since my mom was able to gain a lot of benefit from it when traditional medicine didn't help. I suppose cupping would be similar, just less invasive. I wouldn't recommend it at school though!! :+)

  3. The students are doing research on different alternative methods of stress management. Cupping was one method researched by a group of students. I understand what cupping is doing, but still find it a little weird.
