Monday, March 2, 2009

Closed Campus

Just wondering if having a closed campus at the high school level would be one way to control more of what these students are eating. Right now the students are free to leave the campus for lunch and eat at the local fast food restaurants. Please let me know what you think about this!! Closed campus or not?


  1. I believe that a closed campus could solve many problems, and that eating habits would be one of them.

    However, the school would need to make an effort to provide healthy food choices. I believe many schools are now replacing soda in vending machines with water and Gatorade, and snack vending machines need to have granola bars and healthy snacks.

    I'm sure that when kids leave campus for lunch, they head for the quickest and cheapest food- icky fast food. Have you considered doing a unit on nutrition and showing them your blocks of "fat"?

  2. My cooperative teacher and I were talking during our middle school break (HSD allows a 10 min outdoor/indoor mid-morning break for the M.S. students) and he said he heard that the Oregon State Leg. has passed a law banning junk food in vending machines at school. Is that true? The high school didn't have candy but it did have chips and pop-tarts. Some vending machines offered only water and others offered diet sodas. The students run a coffee shop called Java Dog. They had to re-vamp their recipes to cut the sugar and fat calories out of their drinks. There were a couple of drinks they discontinued because of the calorie content. The lunch room sells fast-food style meals but they do have a daily salad bar. It's not perfect, but it sounds better than some.

    As far as closed campus, I'm all for it. What in the world is so important that students have to leave campus for 45 min.? As a mother and concerned citizen, I think students should remain at school for the entire day. It opens the door to too many opportunities to get into trouble. I know - I was one of them at one point in time in the distant past. :+)

  3. I know our snack machines have pop tarts, trail mix, chips and things like this. The drinks that our in the vending machine is water and something like gatorade. Pop is not allowed in any vending machines in the school district.
